Which Borough Has The Worst Drivers?

Hey there, city livers and Big Apple enthusiasts! If you’re a New Yorker, you’re probably familiar with the barrage of traffic and taxis that make up our urban playground. But not all boroughs are created equal when it comes to car accidents. It’s helpful to know that New York has five different boroughs, and all five have different rates of car accidents. So, which borough is the worst for car accidents?

We should always buckle up, but be extra aware of clipping in that safety belt while you’re driving in Brooklyn because it has the most dangerous drivers– by a landslide! According to statistics from the New York Police Department, from June 2021, 10,355 car accidents were reported in New York. Of course, there could have been plenty that went unreported. Of that 10,355, 3,546 were in Brooklyn alone. Below are the numbers from that study.

  • Manhattan: 1,667
  • Bronx: 1,903
  • Brooklyn: 3,546
  • Queens: 2,744
  • Staten Island: 495

The digits reveal that in that action-packed month of June, Brooklyn had the highest accident rate. Even though the NYPD generated these statistics in only one month in 2021, they reflect what is true on average. While it has some competition, Brooklyn remains at the top.

Brooklyn Bravado: The Hard Numbers

Alas, there’s more. June of 2021 was a month that saw some of the highest car accident rates in New York City. Injuries from these fender-bender accidents increased very quickly. 1,756 people were left nursing their bumps, bruises, broken bones, and shaken nerves– motorists, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians. That is nearly 400 more injuries than its closest contender, Queens. So, if you’re cruising through Brooklyn, wear that seat belt! Here’s how the numbers shaped up for injuries in an accident for the five boroughs. 

  • Manhattan: 684
  • Bronx: 893
  • Brooklyn: 1,756
  • Queens: 1,395
  • Staten Island: 224

Again, this time, Brooklyn has the most accidents that result in injury. Out of these accidents, injuries may have ranged from severe or minor. But no matter how small the injury, it could still warrant litigation. 

An experienced and skilled attorney, like the personal injury attorneys at Asaro & Associates, can help you recover damages. It’s evident that many people are injured in car accidents in Brooklyn, so it’s wise to always stay alert while operating a vehicle or walking as a pedestrian in that particular borough. Even though being cautious, you may be injured by a negligent driver and require compensation. 

Which Borough Has the Most Fatalities?

Fatalities are the worst of the worst when it comes to car accidents. Let’s give credit where it’s due – at least Brooklyn takes a step back in this category. 

  • Manhattan: 6
  • Bronx: 6
  • Brooklyn: 5
  • Queens: 6
  • Staten Island: 0

The other boroughs (almost all of them) hold their own in the fatality department. Staten Island gets a gold star for not having any fatalities during this time. Way to go, Staten Island!

Why Brooklyn’s the “Daredevil” Borough

Why does Brooklyn lead the charge with the most car accidents? The factors contributing to these automotive incidents include drivers not paying attention (a whopping 970 cases), failing to yield the right-of-way, tailgating, and treating the road like their personal playground. 

Hiring an Experienced Attorney 

If you’ve been caught in this chaotic mess, there’s hope. The experienced and consistently winning attorneys at Asaro & Associates, fellow New Yorkers, got your back. If you’re injured, not at fault, and feeling like a pawn in a Brooklyn bumper car game, we’ll take your call.

Brooklyn: Beware and Take Care

To all the Brooklyn-living New Yorkers out there, whether you’re walking, cycling, or driving – keep your heads on a swivel and your wits about you. The streets might not be paved with gold, but this city is full of surprises. Be cautious, stay alert, and ensure your fellow New Yorkers do the same.

When the road gets bumpy, our trusted and experienced winning attorneys at Asaro & Associates will always cover your six. Give us a call at (718) 865-3192 for assistance or any legal support.

Stay safe out there, NYC!