Can Birth Injuries Appear Later in Life?

What to Do If a Birth Injury Went Unnoticed

Most birth injuries present themselves right away, such as broken bones or serious brain injuries that require immediate surgery. However, some injuries don’t show up for weeks, months, or even years. Sadly, this means that many parents don’t realize their baby has suffered a serious injury at the hands of negligent doctors or other healthcare providers until well after the fact. But do these parents lose the right to take legal action simply because they are unaware of their child’s injury?

If your child suffered an injury at birth, you may have the right to seek compensation from those responsible. To learn more about your rights and legal options, contact the Bronx birth injury lawyers at Asaro & Associates. We are dedicated to helping victims of birth injuries get the justice they deserve. Call (347) 231-5459 today to arrange a free consultation.

What Is Considered a Birth Injury?

A birth injury is any injury that occurs before, during, or shortly after the birthing process. Examples include:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brachial plexus injuries (Erb’s palsy)
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Klumpke’s palsy
  • Vision, hearing, or motor impairment
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Facial injuries

Birth Injuries That May Have Delayed Symptoms

Birth injuries that go undiagnosed are typically those that affect a child’s cognitive function and/or his or her mental or physical development and often involve injuries that cause damage to a baby’s brain, spinal cord, or nerves. Causes of these injuries include but are not limited to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation,) undiagnosed or untreated infections, the improper use of forceps or other birth-aiding tools, and the improper administration of medication.

Birth Injury Claims

While some birth injuries are not preventable, many are a direct cause of a healthcare provider’s negligent actions. In these cases, the injured victim or a family member acting on their behalf can seek damages by filing a birth injury claim against the negligent party.

Types of damages include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation
  • Assistive care
  • Home and vehicle modifications
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Wrongful death damages

New York’s Birth Injury Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations sets forth the maximum amount of time a party has to file a lawsuit after an alleged offense. In the majority of personal injury cases, this time begins on the date the injury occurred. Once the statute of limitations runs out, the injured party loses their right to take legal action against the negligent party.

But with many birth injury and medical malpractice cases, victims don’t learn of their injuries for months or even years. In these circumstances, New York allows victims to retain the right to take legal action through a modified statute of limitations. It states that an injured party must file a claim for damages within 30 months of the date of injury or from the date the injured victim became aware of their injury.

If the injured victim is under the age of 18, they have ten years from the date they learned of their injury to file a claim and up to 30 months after they turn 18. However, most parents choose to take legal action on their child’s behalf well before the time afforded by the statute.

Speak with a Birth Injury Lawyer in The Bronx

Healthcare providers have a duty to prevent harm or injury to their patients by providing adequate care. When they fail to do so, they must be held accountable for their actions.

While no amount of money can make up for your child’s injury, taking legal action and seeing that justice is served can bring peace of mind to you and your family.

At Asaro & Associates, we understand the devastating and far-reaching effects of a serious birth injury. Birth injuries can lead to endless surgeries and costly ongoing care, taking a significant toll on victims and their families. That is why we fight so hard to secure full and fair compensation on behalf of our clients, ensuring they have the means to provide the care their children need. To determine whether you still have the right to seek compensation for your child’s birth injury, contact us online or call (347) 231-5459 to schedule a free case review.

Which Borough Has The Worst Drivers?

Hey there, city livers and Big Apple enthusiasts! If you’re a New Yorker, you’re probably familiar with the barrage of traffic and taxis that make up our urban playground. But not all boroughs are created equal when it comes to car accidents. It’s helpful to know that New York has five different boroughs, and all five have different rates of car accidents. So, which borough is the worst for car accidents?

We should always buckle up, but be extra aware of clipping in that safety belt while you’re driving in Brooklyn because it has the most dangerous drivers– by a landslide! According to statistics from the New York Police Department, from June 2021, 10,355 car accidents were reported in New York. Of course, there could have been plenty that went unreported. Of that 10,355, 3,546 were in Brooklyn alone. Below are the numbers from that study.

  • Manhattan: 1,667
  • Bronx: 1,903
  • Brooklyn: 3,546
  • Queens: 2,744
  • Staten Island: 495

The digits reveal that in that action-packed month of June, Brooklyn had the highest accident rate. Even though the NYPD generated these statistics in only one month in 2021, they reflect what is true on average. While it has some competition, Brooklyn remains at the top.

Brooklyn Bravado: The Hard Numbers

Alas, there’s more. June of 2021 was a month that saw some of the highest car accident rates in New York City. Injuries from these fender-bender accidents increased very quickly. 1,756 people were left nursing their bumps, bruises, broken bones, and shaken nerves– motorists, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians. That is nearly 400 more injuries than its closest contender, Queens. So, if you’re cruising through Brooklyn, wear that seat belt! Here’s how the numbers shaped up for injuries in an accident for the five boroughs. 

  • Manhattan: 684
  • Bronx: 893
  • Brooklyn: 1,756
  • Queens: 1,395
  • Staten Island: 224

Again, this time, Brooklyn has the most accidents that result in injury. Out of these accidents, injuries may have ranged from severe or minor. But no matter how small the injury, it could still warrant litigation. 

An experienced and skilled attorney, like the personal injury attorneys at Asaro & Associates, can help you recover damages. It’s evident that many people are injured in car accidents in Brooklyn, so it’s wise to always stay alert while operating a vehicle or walking as a pedestrian in that particular borough. Even though being cautious, you may be injured by a negligent driver and require compensation. 

Which Borough Has the Most Fatalities?

Fatalities are the worst of the worst when it comes to car accidents. Let’s give credit where it’s due – at least Brooklyn takes a step back in this category. 

  • Manhattan: 6
  • Bronx: 6
  • Brooklyn: 5
  • Queens: 6
  • Staten Island: 0

The other boroughs (almost all of them) hold their own in the fatality department. Staten Island gets a gold star for not having any fatalities during this time. Way to go, Staten Island!

Why Brooklyn’s the “Daredevil” Borough

Why does Brooklyn lead the charge with the most car accidents? The factors contributing to these automotive incidents include drivers not paying attention (a whopping 970 cases), failing to yield the right-of-way, tailgating, and treating the road like their personal playground. 

Hiring an Experienced Attorney 

If you’ve been caught in this chaotic mess, there’s hope. The experienced and consistently winning attorneys at Asaro & Associates, fellow New Yorkers, got your back. If you’re injured, not at fault, and feeling like a pawn in a Brooklyn bumper car game, we’ll take your call.

Brooklyn: Beware and Take Care

To all the Brooklyn-living New Yorkers out there, whether you’re walking, cycling, or driving – keep your heads on a swivel and your wits about you. The streets might not be paved with gold, but this city is full of surprises. Be cautious, stay alert, and ensure your fellow New Yorkers do the same.

When the road gets bumpy, our trusted and experienced winning attorneys at Asaro & Associates will always cover your six. Give us a call at (718) 865-3192 for assistance or any legal support.

Stay safe out there, NYC!

What Types of Damages Can TBI Victims Receive?

Receiving Financial Recovery After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Thousands of people suffer non-fatal traumatic brain injuries each year in New York. In some cases, those traumatic brain injuries or TBIs are caused by another person’s negligence or wrongdoing. In those instances, the TBI survivor may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.

At Asaro & Associates, we provide dedicated advocacy for traumatic brain injury survivors. Our lawyers have secured millions of dollars on behalf of clients throughout New York. We work tirelessly to ensure that TBI survivors and their families receive the maximum compensation allowed by law. 

If you sustained a TBI after an accident, contact our office at (718) 865-3192 to request a free consultation. 

What Kinds of Damages Will I Receive After a TBI?

One of the first questions you may have as a survivor of a traumatic brain injury is what kind of damages you will receive. TBIs can affect nearly every aspect of your life, making it difficult for you to take care of yourself or your family. You might be unable to work or be in extensive therapy. Without assistance, the financial burden is often too much for most people to bear. 

In TBI cases caused by another person’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may be entitled to economic and non-economic damages. The best way to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve is by hiring a traumatic brain injury lawyer to represent you. 

What Are Economic Damages in a TBI Case?

Economic damages are designed to compensate you for your out-of-pocket, injury-related losses. They are generally quantifiable and easy to calculate.

Economic damages in a TBI case may include compensation for:

  • Current and future medical bills. Many people assume that they are only entitled to their current medical bills, but a skilled attorney can help determine what the future cost for care and treatment may be for your TBI. 
  • Lost wages. Traumatic brain injury survivors are usually entitled to financial recovery if they are unable to return to work. Lost wages can be proved through income documents such as a W2 or pay stub.
  • Property damage. If your vehicle, home, or other property was damaged in the accident that caused your TBI, you may be entitled to compensation for the cost to repair.
  • Loss of earning capacity. As with medical bills, TBI survivors are not only entitled to their current lost wages they are also able to collect damages related to a loss of future earnings if they are not able to fully return to work or have a diminished capacity.

While calculating economic damages may seem straightforward, it is in your best interest to have your claim reviewed by an attorney as early as possible. Unrepresented injury victims often end up settling their cases for less than they are worth.

What Are Non-Economic Damages?

Non-economic damages in a traumatic brain injury case are harder to calculate. They are damages designed to compensate an individual for personal losses. These damages usually must be determined by an expert in the field.

Non-economic damages in a TBI case may include compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering. TBI survivors may be entitled to compensation for their physical pain and emotional suffering.
  • Mental anguish. A traumatic brain injury may deeply affect a person’s mental health and well-being including causing depression, anxiety disorders, fear, and more.
  • Disability. If the brain injury left you temporarily or permanently disabled, you might be able to collect damages related to the severity of the impairment.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life. Due to the widespread impact that a TBI can have on a person, they are often entitled to compensation for loss of enjoyment of life. It is usually awarded in cases where the injured victim is unable to return to the activities or lifestyle they had before their injury.

In limited circumstances, a TBI survivor may be entitled to punitive damages in addition to compensation for their economic and non-economic losses. Punitive damages are designed to punish the defendant for their egregious behavior.

Contact Our Office to Speak with a TBI Lawyer Today

Did you or a loved one sustain a TBI due to someone else’s wrongdoing? Contact our office at (718) 865-3192 to schedule a free consultation. Let us help you get the compensation you need and deserve after a brain injury. 

Is a Nursing Home Liable for Resident Fights?

What to Do If You Are the Victim of Nursing Home Violence

Few people expect that when they put their loved one in a nursing home or long-term care facility, they will be the victim of a violent attack. But, patient-on-patient abuse is more common than most people think. If your loved one is attacked at a nursing home, the facility might be liable for damages if they fail to provide adequate supervision or prevent foreseeable harm.

At the Law Office of Asaro & Associates, P.C., we represent nursing home patients who have suffered an injury in a fight with another resident. Our experienced legal team will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the largest possible recovery. If you or your loved one has been injured in a resident fight at a nursing home in New York City, contact our office at (347) 231-5459 to schedule a free consultation. 

When a Nursing Home May Be Held Liable for a Resident Fight

Resident fights can happen at nursing home facilities, particularly if patients are left unattended or if they are not properly screened. If a nursing home fails to provide a reasonable standard of care by not properly supervising residents or by failing to isolate patients with violent tendencies, they may be held liable if someone is injured in a resident fight.

A nursing home might face liability if a resident is injured in a fight when:

  • There was a lack of proper supervision.
  • There were red flags that a patient had violent tendencies.
  • The staff was not adequately trained.
  • There was inadequate staff on site.
  • They did not properly screen a resident to determine if they had a violent history.
  • They knew or should have known that a fight would occur and did not stop it.
  • They knew of a patient’s mental health disorder that could make them violent and did not intervene. 

If you believe that a nursing home was negligent in the care and treatment of you or your loved one resulting in harm, you need to speak with an attorney. Depending on the situation, the nursing home facility may be liable for damages, even if the injuries were caused during a resident fight. 

What Types of Injuries Are Common in Resident Fights?

Resident fights at nursing homes can result in serious injury or even death. Therefore, fights must be broken up quickly or prevented, to begin with, in order to avoid a potentially life-threatening situation.

Common injuries in nursing home resident fights include:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Concussions
  • Sprains, strains, or muscle tears
  • Nerve damage
  • Cuts and lacerations

It is essential for nursing home facilities to be proactive if they suspect that a resident may have a propensity for violence. Staff should be fully trained in de-escalation strategies and constantly supervise patients to ensure safety. 

Injured in a Nursing Home Resident Fight?

Were you or a loved one injured in a nursing home resident fight? Contact our office at (347) 231-5459 to schedule a free consultation. Let us help you hold the facility accountable for failing to put the safety of its residents as their top priority.

Nursing Home Abuse vs. Neglect

What is the Difference?

When you place an elder loved one in a nursing home, you expect them to receive good care. Yet, nursing home abuse and neglect are rampant in New York. Disturbingly, only an estimated 23 cases are reported to authorities. Elder abuse and neglect can take many forms, sometimes making it difficult to ascertain what happened.

The Law Office of Asaro & Associates represents nursing home residents and their families in abuse and neglect cases. Our staff works tirelessly to help you understand your rights and get the best possible outcome if your loved one has experienced mistreatment. If you believe your loved one has been abused or neglected at a nursing home, contact our office at (347) 231-5459 for a no-obligation consultation.

Understanding Elder Abuse vs. Neglect

Both abuse and neglect are forms of mistreatment, yet are fundamentally different. Abuse is intentional, involving deliberate acts resulting in serious risk and can be physical or emotional.

Neglect is either passive or active, depending on the caregiver’s intent, and is often characterized by a lack of action to fulfill caretaking tasks. It is often unintentional, especially when caretakers are overwhelmed or undertrained. However, even unintentional neglect can have serious consequences, such as when a resident receives an incorrect medication.

What is Nursing Home Elder Abuse?

Acts considered elder abuse in nursing homes must be intentional, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Types of elder abuse occurring in nursing homes include:

  • Physical abuse, including restraining a senior physically or chemically with medication.
  • Emotional or psychological abuse, which ranges from ignoring to intimidation or making threats.
  • Sexual abuse involving any non-consensual sexual contact.
  • Financial exploitation, such as the authorized taking, misuse or concealing of assets and property or charging for care that was not given.
  • Healthcare fraud performed by unethical medical personnel or professional care providers.

What is Nursing Home Elder Neglect?

Neglect occurs when the nursing home doesn’t meet its caretaking obligations to a resident. It is more common than abuse and can take many different forms. The CDC notes that 15.3% of complaints in nursing homes are for elder neglect.

Examples of nursing home neglect are:

  • Medical neglect – failing to address or prevent medical issues like not administering medications, improper care for existing conditions like dementia or diabetes, not managing infections or bedsores.
  • Basic needs neglect – not providing food and water, or a clean and safe environment.
  • Personal hygiene neglect –  failing to give adequate assistance with bathing, hair care, brushing teeth, changing soiled clothing and linens, etc.
  • Social/emotional neglect – repeatedly ignoring the senior, preventing them from interacting with others, and frequently yelling at them.

Consequences of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Abuse or neglect can significantly impact an elder’s physical and emotional well-being and personal hygiene. Nursing home residents can suffer consequences like anemia, dehydration, undiagnosed illnesses, weight loss or malnutrition. Sometimes, those issues can lead to death, but they can also result in declining health.

When a nursing home resident’s hygiene needs are unmet, they may smell unpleasant, have dirty skin, and have unclean, ill-fitting or missing clothes. Emotional consequences often result in a change in behavior, including insomnia, isolation, loneliness, loss of trust, depression, anxiety, fear or suicidal thoughts and actions.

Who is Responsible for Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect?

The nursing home and individual staff members may be liable for abuse and neglect. Long-term care facilities have a duty to properly hire and train workers to give proper care. They also should maintain sufficient staff to provide adequate care. Lawsuits against nursing homes often result from inadequate staffing.

Stressed and overworked employees may be unable to provide the needed quality of care. Many facilities also don’t properly screen or run background checks on their hires. Not screening potential employees for drug or alcohol abuse endangers residents as these individuals are more apt to commit abusive acts.

Understaffing reduces the overall quality of the facility. Impossible workloads lead to overworked staff, who are more likely to make poor decisions. There is little room for error in nursing homes. According to a U.S. Public Interest Research Group report, 20% of American nursing homes are understaffed.

Contact Our Office for a Complimentary Consultation

Nursing homes and their employees can face criminal and civil penalties for abusing or neglecting those in their care. Always report suspected incidents to local authorities for investigation. In addition, victims and their families can file an injury lawsuit to collect possible financial compensation for their suffering. If you or a loved one have suffered at the hands of a nursing home, contact our office at (347) 231-5459 to discuss your case with our legal team.

Avoiding Construction Accidents as a Pedestrian

Construction Site Safety Tips for Pedestrians in NYC

New York City has thousands of active construction sites. From affordable housing projects to highrise renovations, the city is filled with potentially hazardous areas. While these workplaces present a danger to their employees, they also can result in injuries or deaths to pedestrians nearby.

At the Law Office of Asaro & Associates, we represent pedestrians who have been hurt or killed in construction accidents throughout New York City. Our experienced legal team can help you understand your rights and fight to get the results you deserve. If you were injured while walking in NYC, contact our office at +13472315459 to schedule a free consultation. 

How Are Pedestrians Injured at Construction Sites?

Construction sites can be extremely dangerous, particularly for pedestrians who are not in safety gear and may be unaware of any risks. From falling objects to obstructed walkways, construction sites can cause serious injury or death to passersby.

Common causes of pedestrian injuries at construction sites:

  • Falling objects
  • Unsecured machinery, tools, or ladders
  • Slip and fall hazards
  • Obstructed walkways
  • Unsecured stairways
  • Exposed wiring
  • Malfunctioning machinery
  • Transportation incidents
  • Crane accidents
  • Unsafe scaffolding

If you were injured while walking near a construction site, you might be entitled to compensation. It is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible as you may only have a limited amount of time to file a claim for damages. 

How Can These Accidents Be Prevented?

Preventing construction accidents requires diligence by the pedestrian, but also by the construction company and its employees. Unfortunately, many pedestrian injuries at construction sites are caused by another person’s negligence. 

Tips on how pedestrians can avoid construction accidents:

  • Avoid distractions. Put away your cell phone and take out your earbuds. The more alert and aware you are the quicker you will be able to react if there is a hazard at a construction site.
  • Use designated walkways. While they may get crowded, it is always safer to use the designated pedestrian walkway than to attempt to circumvent it. The walkways are usually covered to prevent falling objects from hitting the walkers below.
  • Securing a site. Construction companies must work to keep their sites secure. Unlocked gates or a lack of barricades can result in serious harm to passersby.
  • Marking the site. Construction companies should also clearly mark the construction site and use signage to direct pedestrians to any walkways or detours.
  • Adequate training. A common reason for construction accidents is inadequate training. Companies must invest in training their employees in order to avoid serious harm.

If you are injured in a pedestrian accident at a construction site, you need to seek medical attention immediately. Failure to receive treatment could negatively impact your case and your recovery.

Contact Our Office to Learn More

Were you or a loved one injured while walking near a construction site in NYC? contact our office at +13472315459 to schedule a free case consultation. There are no fees unless we win. We have recovered millions for our clients and will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. Call now to get started. 

Will My Insurance Cover Chiropractic Therapy After a Car Accident?

How an Attorney Can Help You Get the Maximum Compensation for Your Injuries

If you are seriously injured in a car accident, you may need multiple doctor appointments, rehabilitation, and other forms of treatment, such as chiropractic therapy. Unfortunately, without the help of an attorney, you may not receive the compensation you need to cover all of these injury-related expenses.

At the Law Office of Asaro & Associates, P.C., our attorneys have over 50 years of collective experience representing individuals who have been injured in car accidents throughout the Bronx. Our knowledgeable legal team will help to get you the maximum recovery available based on the circumstances of your case. If you or a loved one were injured in a car wreck, contact our office at (718) 650-2135 to schedule a free consultation. 

Getting Compensation for Your Chiropractic Treatments

Depending on your injuries, you may need treatment beyond what your primary care doctor may offer. In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend physical therapy, rehabilitation, acupuncture, or chiropractic therapy. 

These treatments can be expensive, and without the help of a car accident attorney, you may not receive enough money through insurance to cover all of these costs. This means you may end up paying out of pocket or having to sacrifice your well-being because the treatments are unaffordable. 

What to Do If You Are Involved in an Accident

If you are involved in an accident with injuries, you need to get medical attention immediately. Failing to seek or continue treatment can directly impact your case. Once you are able, you should consider consulting with an attorney, particularly if you were seriously injured.

The quicker you act, the more likely you will receive the compensation you deserve after an accident. You should not have to settle for less than your case is worth. Do not make any statements to the insurance company without first consulting an attorney, and be sure to keep detailed records about your injuries and the recommendations of your doctors. 

Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Rights

There are several things you can do to protect your right to compensation after a car accident. If you are injured, even if you are unsure of the severity, you should still get checked out by a medical professional. 

After an auto accident, you need to:

  • Call 911 from the scene of the accident;
  • Take photos and videos of any damage, weather and road conditions, and your injuries;
  • Do not admit fault or make statements to the insurance company;
  • Obtain contact information for any eyewitnesses;
  • Be straightforward and honest with the police;
  • Secure your medical records and follow doctor recommendations;
  • Contact our office to speak with an attorney.

In order to get compensation for all of your accident-related losses, you need to speak with an attorney. An attorney can help determine your legal options and provide you with the resources you need to move forward.

Contact Our Office to Get Started

Were you recently injured in a car accident? Do you need chiropractic therapy but are unsure if insurance will cover the expense? Contact our office today at (718) 650-2135 for a free consultation. There are no fees unless we win. Call now to get started.

Top 5 Signs of Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Red Flags that Should Not Be Ignored

Nursing home abuse is widespread in New York and throughout the United States. It is important to look for any signs of abuse or neglect and report them to the authorities. In addition to criminal penalties, a nursing home or long-term care facility could also face a civil lawsuit for their wrongdoing. A civil lawsuit can help victims get the compensation they deserve and hold liable parties accountable.

At the Law Office of Asaro & Associates, we represent individuals and their families in nursing home neglect and abuse cases. We work tirelessly to get justice for victims of elder abuse, never stopping until we receive the best possible outcome for our clients. If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected at a nursing home, contact our office at (718) 650-2135 for a free consultation. 

Consider these top 5 signs of nursing home abuse and neglect:

  1. Bedsores

Bedsores or pressure ulcers occur when blood supply is cut off to the skin. When a body is immobile, significant pressure is placed on areas of the skin. Prolonged pressure results in the blood flow being cut off and can cause the skin to die. Left untreated, bedsores may become infected.

It is essential for bedsores to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. The earlier a bedsore is caught, the more likely a person will make a complete recovery. Bedsores can be prevented by regularly turning and repositioning an immobile or bedridden person. If you see a bedsore developing, you need to speak with a nursing home abuse attorney as it may be a sign of neglect. 

  1. Malnutrition

Malnutrition and dehydration are other common signs of elder abuse that should be taken seriously. If your loved one experiences sudden, unexplained weight loss or seems disoriented, they may be malnourished. 

Nursing homes have a duty to ensure that patients receive reasonable care. Not providing enough food or depriving a patient of water is abuse. 

  1. Change in Behavior

If your loved one begins to act aggressive, aloof, or another unusual behavior, it is a cause for concern. Sudden changes in behavior may be an indication that they are not being properly cared for in the nursing home or long-term care facility. 

Check-in with your loved one regularly. If they are upset or fearful for any reason, plan a visit. If for any reason, you are denied visitation, you need to consult with an attorney. 

  1. Unexplained Bruises, Burns, or Injuries

Signs of physical abuse should be reported to the police to be investigated. A nursing home patient should never have unexplained injuries. Bruises, burns, or welts may be indicative of severe mistreatment.

  1. Poor Living Conditions

When you visit your loved one, pay attention to their living conditions. Are the linens clean? Does your loved one have good hygiene? Is the room too hot? Any signs of substandard living conditions should be investigated and reported.

Contacting a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Are there signs of abuse or neglect at your loved one’s nursing home? Contact our office at (718) 650-2135 for a free, no-obligation consultation. Let us help you understand your rights. There are no fees unless we win. Call now to speak directly with an attorney.

What to Do If a Dog Bites You in the Bronx

Obtaining Compensation for Dog Bite-Related Injuries

If you suffer serious injuries after a dog attack, you need to consider filing a claim for damages against the animal’s owner. Dog bite injuries can be serious, even life-threatening. By pursuing compensation for your injuries, you can help to ensure that you receive quality medical care and treatment. In order to get the largest recovery possible, it is strongly recommended that you speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

At the Law Office of Asaro & Associates, we represent individuals who have suffered injuries from a dog attack. Whether you or your loved one was bit, we can help take legal action against a negligent owner. Damages in dog bite cases may include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, disfigurement, pain and suffering, and more. If you sustained harm after a dog bite, contact our office at (718) 650-2135 for a free consultation. 

What to Do If You Are Attacked by a Dog

If you are attacked by a dog in the Bronx, the first thing you need to do is to seek medical attention. A dog bite may be more severe than it initially seems. A dog’s jaw and teeth are designed to rip through the flesh of another animal. You could have significant damage to your nerves and tendons, even though the wound seems innocuous from the outside.

Getting emergency medical treatment can also help prevent infection. The inside of a dog’s mouth is filled with bacteria and potentially dangerous diseases that can be transferred to your blood through the open laceration. Deadly viruses like rabies are generally transmitted through an animal’s saliva and moved to a person during a bite. To protect yourself, you need to be seen by a doctor immediately after any dog bite. 

Once you are able, contact a dog bite lawyer to determine your legal options, including pursuing a lawsuit against a negligent owner. 

Determining Liability in a Dog Bite Case

It can be difficult to determine liability in a dog bite case unless you know who the owner is. However, gathering as much information as possible from where the incident occurred can help your attorney, who can be held legally responsible for your injuries.

Types of Dog Bite Injuries

Dog bite injuries can range in severity, but many require medical attention. Tragically, children are the most common dog bite victims and are the most susceptible to injury.

Common types of dog bite injuries include:

  • Deep cuts and lacerations
  • Nerve or tissue damage
  • Blood loss
  • Infection or disease including rabies, Pasteurella, MRSA, and tetanus
  • Permanent scarring or disfigurement
  • Emotional trauma

Any bite-related injury should be taken seriously and looked at by a medical professional. Delaying treatment can result in dangerous side effects and complications. It can also directly affect your right to compensation. 

Hiring a Dog Bite Attorney in the Bronx

If you were injured from a dog bite in the Bronx, contact our office at (718) 650-2135 for a free consultation. Get the legal help you need to get the results you deserve. Call now to get started.

Nursing Home Abuse

Who is Liable for Bedsores in a Nursing Home?

Understanding Your Rights in a Bedsore Injury Claim 

Bedsores or pressure sores are serious medical conditions that can become life-threatening if left untreated. Many times bedsores are preventable, caused by negligence or inadequate care at a nursing home. If your loved one has developed a bedsore, it is strongly recommended that you seek legal counsel immediately.

At the Law Office of Asaro & Associates, P.C., our experienced lawyers can help you understand your rights if your loved one was diagnosed with a bedsore. It is important to act fast as bedsores can quickly become worse, leading to dangerous complications, including potentially fatal infections. 

Contact our office today at (718) 650-2135 for a free, no-obligation consultation if you or your loved one has developed a bedsore while at a nursing home.

How Prevalent Are Bedsores in Nursing Homes?

Studies reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicated that over 1 in 10 nursing home residents had a bedsore. Bedsores, also referred to as pressure sores or pressure ulcers, can be extremely painful, resulting in a diminished quality of life for the patient. Inadequate or substandard care is often the cause of these debilitating injuries.

A nursing home patient at risk for developing bedsores should be moved frequently to alleviate the contact pressure. Caregivers should also maintain a high level of cleanliness for an individual who is less mobile or confined to a wheelchair. Many bedsores can be prevented through due diligence.

What Should I Do If My Loved One Develops a Bedsore?

If your loved one develops a bedsore, you need to get it treated as soon as possible. Do not wait until it gets worse or infected. An infection could prove fatal. Treating a pressure sore as early as possible can help avoid serious complications. 

In addition to seeking emergency medical treatment, you should contact an attorney well-versed in nursing home abuse cases. Bedsores may be indicative of negligence or mistreatment. It is essential to discuss your legal options with an experienced attorney to hold responsible parties liable for their wrongdoing.

How Serious Are Bedsores?

As noted by the CDC, bedsores are classified into stages based on their severity. There are four stages of bedsores, with stage 4 being the most critical. 

Stages of bedsores:

  • Stage 1: Reddening of the skin that does not disappear once pressure is relieved. Skin remains intact.
  • Stage 2: Skin is broken and may appear as a blister or abrasion. Stage 1 and stage 2 bedsores are highly treatable.
  • Stage 3: Subcutaneous tissue is exposed with a full thickness of skin lost. Generally presents as a deep crater.
  • Stage 4: Muscle or bone is exposed due to loss of a full-thickness of skin and subcutaneous tissues. Stage 4 bedsores are at high risk for infection.

Regardless of the stage of you or your loved one’s pressure ulcer, it is vital to contact a nursing home abuse attorney as early as possible. 

Who Can I Sue If My Loved One Gets a Bedsore?

Depending on the circumstances of your bedsore injury claim, you or your loved one might be entitled to compensation. Liable parties may include a negligent healthcare provider as well as the nursing home or assisted living facility where the bedsore occurred.

Contact Our Office for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one have developed a bedsore while at a nursing home, contact our office for a free consultation. Call (718) 650-2135 to discuss your case with a knowledgeable member of our legal team.